El Pescado

Eating very fresh fish is one of the treats of cruising. Here are some words to help you talk about your catch – whether you catch your fish at sea or in the fish market.

There are two words for fish – pescado and pez (plural: peces). The one you will use most commonly is pescado. A pescado is a fish that has been caught for eating. Pez is a fish that is in the water. Pez is the general zoological word for fish.


el pescado


(fish – caught, for eating)

This lovely pescado (fish) is a dorado (in English: mahi-mahi or dolphin fish).

Fish tacos - Mexico

This taco stand in Mexico is advertising their tacos de pescado (fish tacos).

They also make tacos with camarón (shrimp), pulpo (octopus), calamar (squid), langosta (lobster), jaiba (crab), almejas (clams)

On the other hand, when you’re talking about fish in the water, you use pez or peces (plural):

¿Están picando los peces?
Ehss-tahn pee-kahn-doh lohss peh-sehss?
Are the fish biting?
¿mo se llama el pez blanco con rayas negras?

Koh-moh seh yah-mah ehl pehss blahn-koh kohn lahss rah-yahss neh-grahss?

What is the name of the white fish with black stripes?
Vimos muchos peces pequeños.
Vee-mohss moo-chohss peh-sehss peh-keh-n’yohss.
We saw many small fish.
Ben'sUW 019
el pez
(fish – as animal in water)
los peces
(fishes, fish plural)

Here are some more handy words related to fishing:


la pescadea
(fish market)

You buy pescado (fish) in a pescadería (fish market).

This one offers “Quality and Good Price”


el pescadero

(fishmonger, fish seller)

This pescadero proudly held up this beautiful corvina (sea bass) when we asked for a photo.

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el pescador



These fishermen in the remote Aves islands of Venezuela came by to ask us to charge their cell phone.

The act of fishing is la pesca.

Fishing as an adjective is pesquero or de pesca.

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el pesquero


(fishing boat)

A fishing boat is a pesquero or a barco de pesca. (Locally they may have many other names…)

For an easy-to-use phrase book that will give you all the words and phrases to enjoy fish and fishing in Mexico, the Caribbean, Spain or any other Spanish-speaking country, get  Spanish for Cruisers: The Boater’s Complete Language Guide

¡Buena Suerte!

Bweh-nah Swehr-teh!

(Good luck)

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