La Marea

The tide is a significant factor in many cruising areas – and we often need to ask locals about the state of the tide: Is it high, low, rising, falling? How much water will we have in the harbor entrance or at the fuel dock at high or low tide?

la marea
(the tide)

The tide range in Puerto Montt Chile is around 6 meters.

Some handy words for describing the tides are:
alta (high), baja (low), subiendo (rising), bajando (falling)
La marea es baja.

Lah mah-reh-ah ehss-tah bah-hah.

(The tide is low.)
La marea es subiendo.

Lah mah-reh-ah ehss-tah soo-b’yehn-hah.

(The tide is rising.)

¿mo es la marea ahora?

Koh-moh ehss-tah lah mah-reh-ah ah-oh-rah?
What’s the state of the tide now?

For an easy-to-use phrase book with all the Spanish words you need to discuss tides, currents and water depths while cruising in Spain, Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and South America, get  Spanish for Cruisers: The Boater’s Complete Language Guide

The translations in this post follow this format:
spanish word
Spanish pronunciation
(English translation)
Stress the syllables shown in bold print.

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